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My Story

Get to Know Me
and My Mission



Rupal Jasraj Patel

Empowering Parents, Transforming Lives Since 2001

Becoming a mother was the pivotal moment that shaped my career. After graduating in Commerce and working in the fashion industry for seven years, I felt the pull to make a greater impact. This led me to pursue Early Child Care and Education, and motherhood ignited my passion for parenting education. Little did I know, this journey would evolve into the career of my life.


When I began in 2001, parenting workshops were virtually unheard of in India. I faced scepticism and resistance, with people questioning why formal training was needed for parenting. However, I remained committed to my belief that if every job requires training, why not parenting - the most important role of all? To deepen my expertise, I trained with Dr. Michael Popkin, Founder of Active Parenting (U.S.A.), and pursued diplomas in Child Psychology, Personal Counseling, Counseling Children and Adolescents, CBT, and REBT, among others.


Despite the challenges of raising awareness around parenting education, the joy and fulfilment I found in transforming parent-child relationships has been unmatched. Driven by a passion for helping parents and children build meaningful connections, my mission has always been to empower every child to become their best self.


As awareness around parenting education has grown, I’ve had the honour of being recognized with awards like Best Parenting Coach (2019), Social Impact as a Parenting Coach (2021), Parenting Coach of the Year (2021), and Women’s Iconic Leadership – Parenting Coach (2023). I've also been featured in leading publications such as Times of India, Hindustan Times, Afternoon Despatch & Courier, Economic Times, and Mid-day, and have served on expert panels for brands like Hindustan Lever, Fisher-Price, and All Out India.


These recognitions reaffirm my commitment to empowering parents and children. My greatest desire remains to contribute and create value for as many parents and children as possible—walking alongside them, even for a small part of their journey, is my greatest honour and privilege.


To bring out the best in every child, and empower parents and teachers to do the same

Kids with Capes

My vision is to enhance and foster as many parent-child relationships as I can. The genuine love that I have for children and the desire that pulsates within me to create immense value in their lives, is the driving force that keeps pushing me ahead so that I can, in whatever way possible, help each one bring out their highest potential and become happy.


My aim is to empower every parent with tools and techniques that will help them in building a strong relationship with their child and put them on the path towards raising children who are self-confident, courageous, responsible, co-operative and well –rounded individuals who will contribute to the world.


I want to spread parenting education far and wide so as to strengthen more and more parent-child relationships, create happier families and contribute to the growth and development of the future generation!


I also want to empower teachers so that they use encouragement techniques as well as positive discipline and communication skills in the classroom and help each child become the best version of themselves.

A Transformational Journey

"One of my earliest experiences as a parenting coach was with a mother who struggled to connect with her teenage boys. They were constantly at odds, and she felt she had lost her influence on them. Through the workshop, she learned new ways to bond and communicate. She started seeing small changes, and a few weeks later, she shared that her sons had hugged her for the first time in years, thanking her for being warm and understanding.

That moment reaffirmed my belief that every parent can create meaningful connections with the right tools."

Moments of Self-Discovery

"I once counselled a couple who were struggling with their child’s behavioural issues. They often felt frustrated and blamed themselves for not being “good enough” parents. Through our sessions, they began to understand that their child’s behaviour was a call for connection, not discipline. We worked on reshaping their approach with positive communication techniques, and soon, their home environment transformed. Not only did their child’s behaviour improve, but their confidence as parents was restored."

Building Emotional Intelligence

"I once worked with parents of a 4-year-old who struggled with emotional outbursts whenever things didn’t go their way. The parents initially tried to correct the behavior with discipline, but the outbursts continued. Through our sessions, we focused on helping the child express their emotions constructively. By introducing simple techniques like naming feelings and creating safe spaces for expression, the parents noticed a shift. Their child became calmer and more communicative, and the family bond grew stronger."

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